Computes the statistics needed for the OLS-based prediction-powered inference.
- est
(vector): Point estimates of the coefficients.
- X_l
(matrix): Covariates for the labeled data set.
- Y_l
(vector): Labels for the labeled data set.
- f_l
(vector): Predictions for the labeled data set.
- X_u
(matrix): Covariates for the unlabeled data set.
- f_u
(vector): Predictions for the unlabeled data set.
- w_l
(vector, optional): Sample weights for the labeled data set.
- w_u
(vector, optional): Sample weights for the unlabeled data set.
- use_u
(boolean, optional): Whether to use the unlabeled data set.
(list): A list containing the following:
- grads
(matrix): n x p matrix gradient of the loss function with respect to the coefficients.
- grads_hat
(matrix): n x p matrix gradient of the loss function with respect to the coefficients, evaluated using the labeled predictions.
- grads_hat_unlabeled
(matrix): N x p matrix gradient of the loss function with respect to the coefficients, evaluated using the unlabeled predictions.
- inv_hessian
(matrix): p x p matrix inverse Hessian of the loss function with respect to the coefficients.
dat <- simdat(model = "ols")
form <- Y - f ~ X1
X_l <- model.matrix(form, data = dat[dat$set == "labeled",])
Y_l <- dat[dat$set == "labeled", all.vars(form)[1]] |> matrix(ncol = 1)
f_l <- dat[dat$set == "labeled", all.vars(form)[2]] |> matrix(ncol = 1)
X_u <- model.matrix(form, data = dat[dat$set == "unlabeled",])
f_u <- dat[dat$set == "unlabeled", all.vars(form)[2]] |> matrix(ncol = 1)
est <- ppi_plusplus_ols_est(X_l, Y_l, f_l, X_u, f_u)
stats <- ols_get_stats(est, X_l, Y_l, f_l, X_u, f_u, use_u = TRUE)